Cost Calculator

Home Inspection Cost Calculator

Estimate the cost of your inspection

Total Summary



  • 90-Day Buy-Back Guarantee Home Inspection

    • Termite & Wood Destroying Organism Inspection

    • Mold Inspection - Standard Lab Analysis *Includes: Inspection & 1 Test Kit, Standard Lab

    • Radon Inspection *Includes: Inspection & 2 Test Kits, Rush Lab

    • Geothermal Heating/Cooling System

    • Test Service

  • First-Time Home Buyer Friendly Inspection

    • Sub Service 1

    • Sub Service 2

  • Move-In Certified Inspection (For Sellers)

  • Certified Roof Inspection

  • Mold Inspection

  • Termite Inspection

  • Fireplace, Stove, & Chimney Inspection

    • Sub Service 1

    Where Will Your Inspection Take Place?

    Property Specifications

    Home Inspection Cost Calculator

    Estimate the cost of your inspection

    Total Summary



    DISCLAIMER: The pricing estimates from this roof cost calculator may vary for projects and doesn’t necessarily reflect DOME Roofing’s prices. For an accurate estimate on your roofing project, schedule a FREE roof inspection for your home HERE.